Still Hard to Find a Job
From 2010 to 2015 the unemployment rate was on average 7.9% while the labor force participation rate was 62.4%. As of first quarter of 2017, the unemployment rate is 9.1% (2.5 percentage point less than the previous year), the labor participation rate is 59.5% (0.5 percentage point less). According to the monthly bulletin of NSO, in the number of newly registered unemployed citizen and registered employed citizen that has found a job we can see that a major change has happened since after April of 2013.
From the monthly bulletin of NSO, we can perceive that the monthly rate of newly registered unemployed citizen number has dramatically increased starting from April of 2013. As of April of 2017 7214 citizens have newly registered while only1259-registered unemployed citizen has found a job. From this, it can be assumed that it is still difficult to find a job.
In April, the number of employees in mining and quarrying and manufacturing sectors has decreased by 6.7%, 5.7% respectively compared to the same period last year. On the other hand employees in electricity, thermal energy and water supply have decreased by 0.8%.